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Free Hearts
for Jesus

Charm, salt and freedom, woman with joie de vivre

The blog with depth, charm and spice for equal Ezer keneg'dos without umbrellas and also for their masculine sides.

Flower in basket- beauty
Pink Cream

New content from 10/2024

Hi there!

"Come up, all of you who are thirsty, come to the water! And you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without purchase price!"
God in His book "The Bible", Isaiah 55.1ff, Elb. 2006)

Welcome to the Jesus -story Blog Bistro!

Now please choose your heavenly dish:

Take away: Refreshing prayer for your day

Bistro table - the menufor longer visits

Hope & joy

Delight and receive a treat

Articles dealing with God's love for  and delight in you

Cake and dessert

Knowledge and
higher connections

Main dishes

Articles for deeper understanding and background/Context knowledge

Spaghetti and wine, a main course

Comfort & trust

Wait and see and drink tea

Articles in desert times and affliction

Tea and rest

Confession, repentance, forgiveness

healthy food and healing medicine

Articles dealing with surrender, restoration and being saved.

Salad and vegetables, healthy food

Spiritual warfare and no-goes

Peppered and firm to the bite

Articles that bring on the table and not sweep under the carpet


Feetwashing and serving

Full and overflowing

Articles about calling and fulfilling the own service


Living relationship

Coffee & Jesus

Articles conc. relationships, church community and



Remaining in the vine

Bearing good fruit

Articles about being grounded and abiding in unity with Christ

Wine on the vine, a picture of unity in Christ
A cocktail as dessert- Jesus stories

...and after dinner...

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© 2021 Daughter of Zion.

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